First came websites. Then came the need for services such as reservations and ordering to go online. Next came all sorts of loyalty programs and birthday clubs. Now, in the most disruptive move in years, the smartest, most successful chains have shifted their marketing strategy to attracting and building brand advocates. With millions at their disposal to invest in technology, they have quietly started deploying this strategy in order to grow their customer base, fill more tables, increase their sales and, even more importantly, capture YOUR customers and turn them into THEIR brand advocates before you can react.

How you respond and how quickly you do it will define your restaurant’s future. Standing still will doom your restaurant to diminishing returns and eventual extinction. Being among the first-to-your-market with this opportunity will lead to growth and safety while giving you a huge competitive advantage. Odds are that most restaurants, unaware of the danger, will not respond soon enough. Will you defy the odds?

First Showcase


Insider.Restaurant was developed with the independent restaurateur in mind – an altogether different breed. While chain restaurateurs adhere to their manuals to survive in a highly competitive market, independent restaurateurs listen to their guests and rely on themselves and their instincts. Those who succeed big defy the odds by capitalizing on innovative ideas, adapting to customers’ changing demands, meeting new challenges, learning from the competition, and constantly honing their survival skills.

Insider.Restaurant gives you, the independent restaurateur, a leg up from your competition; all of it, chains included! It is a better solution than anything the big chains have in their arsenal and will revolutionize your marketing with its innovative strategy and superior technology. It is also affordable and saves time. It will bring you and your customers closer together, build Insiders around your brand, enable them to come to your restaurant on a regular basis and become the most reliable advocates of your brand. It will safeguard you from your competition, fill more tables and increase your sales.

Second Showcase


Sounds like a stretch? I know how you feel. With all the hard work you've put into your business, it's hard to believe that any technology could transform it. And you are not alone! Most of us feel that way when we think about our own business. Only when we switch perspective and look at the world as consumers, do we realize the numerous times we have witnessed the transformative power of technology on other people’s businesses. And from that perspective, it becomes obvious that it is not a stretch but rather an empowering reality. As consumers, we embrace new technologies at an increasing pace, shun rigid businesses, abandon the slow-moving ones, and flock to the early adopters.

Insider.Restaurant will transform your business and reinvent your marketing. Dedicated to your restaurant’s success, it will delight your customers and you equally. In a cost-effective, measurable & accountable way it will enable you to:

  • Grow your customer base

  • Attract new customers

  • Retain more customers

  • Reactivate lost customers

  • Drive more customer visits

  • Increase average check size

  • Build up customer referrals

  • Add value to your social media efforts

  • Fill more tables and increase sales

  • Maximize the value of your business

Third Showcase


Insider.Restaurant is a cutting-edge digital platform coupled with an innovative reverse loyalty program and a fully automated direct marketing system for restaurants with an obsessive dedication to customer happiness. It comes with all the tools necessary to enable you to turbo-charge your marketing, save time and money while building a priceless tribe of Insiders around your brand.

Insider.Restaurant will grow your customer base and drive your sales. It will enable you to extend continued appreciation to your most valuable customers and offer them rewarding experiences, not just food. Through exclusive perks, savings and by building their clout, Insiders will grow closer to your brand and become your most reliable advocates helping others discover your restaurant.

Insider.Restaurant will give you immediate and measurable results. It will also add value to your social media efforts and enhance any traditional advertising you do as part of your long-term strategy – such as outdoor billboards, yellow pages, print media, radio, or television. Click on the “TAKE THE FULL TOUR TO SEE ALL THE FEATURES” button below on the image and learn how your very own Insider.Restaurant platform will give you immediate results and a huge competitive advantage.


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